There seems to be a problem with the site "Party Chat Timer Clock". As everyone knows, when a Party Chat slows, a red flag is raised that states "The party is in danger of ending! The party will end in 5 minutes unless you tip the performer and keep it going!" This morning I was present in a Party Chat (Details and Screen Print available on request) which posted this flag. Within one minute, tips totaling 126 Credits (51 + 51+ 25) were sent. Despite this effort, the Party terminated within 2 minutes. The model was surprised as was the entire room, indicating that the party was not terminated by her. It seems to me (and I am certain the majority would agree) that the termination or continuation of the Party Chat SHOULD be under the control of the model... NOT the site. If, indeed a "timeout clock" is implemented, it SHOULD be implemented by the model NOT the site. Sad to say that this is just another example of how Policies reflect the greed of the site and are not necessarily in the best interests of the models or the members.